Contractmanagement is a critical function in many organizations, ensuring that agreements are executed efficiently and effectively. However, optimizing resources in this area can be challenging. Leveraging insights from scientific research can provide valuable guidance on how to improve resource deployment in contract management.
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Are you ready for the future of workplaces?
Since the sixties, the traditional way of living has changed. The frivolous Dolly Parton song ‘From nine to five’, is no longer applicable to current workplace environments. Having time off in the evening and weekends is also not that obvious. By 2020 50% of the workforce will be millennials. They want to work, shop, sleep or relax randomly, which requires a more individual approach in the offered scale of options. With that said, how do we manage across generations and how does mobility play a role in the flexibility of the future workplace?
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FNV: flexwerk duurder maken. Eindelijk.
Foto credit: Tim Gouw
Enige flexibiliteit hebben ondernemers nodig tegenwoordig. De snel veranderende maatschappij zorgt voor een turbulent speelveld met pieken en dalen. Die golfbewegingen vang je als ondernemer vanuit efficiëntie oogpunt vaak het beste op met een flexibele schil. Eén van de nuttige functies van flexwerkers, die echter niet langzaam moet veranderen in het wegcijferen van werknemers. Het zijn de flexwerkers waartegen de FNV nu de hakken in het zand zet. Op dat punt was ik in 2013 al, toen ik een artikel schreef over het nut van de verlaging van loonkosten. Het doel heiligt niet de middelen als het gaat om een toekomstbestendige arbeidsmarkt.
How to ensure employee adoption in digital transformation
Digital technology is reshaping industries and societies. Things like big data analytics, augmented reality, 3D-printing, robotics and cognitive computing create a technological shift that impacts practically any business. Some sooner than others, but it is important that the next few years all businesses prepare for the transformation it will cause. Whether it are small, medium or large enterprises. What does this mean for employee adoption, how can you impact their behaviour? How can you change the organisation’s dna into a digital proof version?
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Businesses of the future: understanding business ecosystems
A sea with just sharks will soon be a sea devoid of life. The fish in a sea are as important as the predators. They keep the circle of life in balance. Our human society is not that different from natural ecosystems. In order to survive as an apex ‘predator’ one needs to understand the workings of an ecosystem, without misinterpreting the connection of ‘large’ and ‘success’. It is not the survival of the biggest, but the survival of the fittest. Successful organisations of the future are not by definition large, but they are capable of managing an extensive network of people and businesses, with only one purpose: customer centricity. What does this mean? How do businesses acquire the skills that are needed to build and maintain a business ecosystem and make sure they thrive in it?
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