What do people like Mark Zuckerberg, Draco Malfoy and Frank Underwood have in common? At first glance nothing. Yet they all said something interesting on contracts. Let me give you a spin….
[Read more…] about Famous quotes on contracts: true or false?Contract Management
Incorporating sustainability, business-wide
In today’s world, many businesses are looking for ways to make a positive impact on society. One such way, and one that I consider personally to be very relevant, is to become a certified B-Corp organization. B-Corporations are for-profit companies that also have a social and environmental mission, and they are held accountable for this mission by a third-party organization.
[Read more…] about Incorporating sustainability, business-wideBridging The Gap Between Finance And Contract Managers
The 10 essential things contract managers should know about corporate finance and why.
[Read more…] about Bridging The Gap Between Finance And Contract ManagersWhy ‘Contract Management Wizard’ Might Be the Coolest Job Title in Business Today
Picture this: a role that combines your vast knowledge of the magical world of contracts with the ability to conjure up the best deals and agreements. That’s what it means to be a contract management wizard! And here’s why it’s not just a cool title, but also a business-savvy function in today’s competitive landscape:
[Read more…] about Why ‘Contract Management Wizard’ Might Be the Coolest Job Title in Business TodayManaging Contracts: A Difference In Short Term Or Long Term?
A question I often get: “Is there a difference in managing contracts with a short term focus and a long term focus?”
You bet!!!!
[Read more…] about Managing Contracts: A Difference In Short Term Or Long Term?
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